Lowongan Kerja Manager Pajak

PT Rafi Kamajaya Abadi ialah perusahaan Sawit yang berlokasi di wilayah Kalimantan, sedang memerlukan Manager Pajak yang kompeten dibidangya.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

– Managing the accounting function in data processing and information to produce company’s financial reports accurately and on time
– Evaluating and controlling about planning, reporting and company’s tax payment are efficient, accurate, on time and in accordance with applicable tax regulations
– Supporting data/information, evidence or refutation in the company’s tax audit activities and other audit by government agencies, also supporting to accompany audit activites
– Ensuring accountancy’s system running smoothly to support company’s accounting operational process
– Reviewing and compile pre tax audit assessment to measure tax risk while audited, assess the effectiveness of compliance and tax provision has been applied, deciding steps about risk management with BOD approval
– Controlling and monitoring internal control process in all section running well
– Propose recommendation to management related internal control in order to improve the weaknesses about company operational procedures
– Ensuring the company’s assets, stock and costing are recorded accurately as the realization
– Reviewing standard and procedure from all department and propose the recommendation to management in order to improve the weakness

Keahlian :

– Tax planning
– Restitusi ppn & pph
– Menguasai peraturan perpajakan terbaru
– Administrasi perpajakan pph 21,22,23,25/29,4 ayat 2, PPN, e faktur, SPT masa & tahunan
– Pernah mengatasi masalah perpajakan s/d tingkat pengadilan

Kualifikasi :

– Laki-laki / Perempuan
– Minimal lulusan S1 Akuntansi/Pajak
– Sertifikasi Brevet A,B,C
– Memiliki akta professional accounting & atau sejenis
– Pengalaman kerja minimal 10 tahun merangkup 3 tahun selaku Head/Manager Finance Accounting Tax di perkebunan & pabrik kelapa sawit

Waktu Bekerja :

Senin – Jumaat: Jam 8 – Jam 4.30; Sabtu: Jam8 – Jam 1