LOKERSAYA.COM – Lowongan kerja Tugu Pratama Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan asuransi umum terkemuka di indonesia. Tugu Pratama Indonesia (TPI) adalah bagian dari anak perusahaan BUMN dari PT Pertamina (Persero) dalam menawarkan produk dan jasa Asuransi Konvensional dan Syariah. Awal perjalanan karir asuransi umum TPI ini sejak tahun 1981 ketika itu pertamina mendirikan subunit bisnis asurasni untuk mendorong pertumbuhan asuransi terhadap risiko di industri minyak dan gas nasional yang dikhususkan untuk asuransi aset yang dipegang oleh perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero). Namun seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan jaman Tugu Pratama Indonesia terus melakukan perubahan terhadap usaha dengan menjadi sebagai perusahaan asuransi umum yang menangani berbagai klien utama domestik maupun luar negeri seperti asuransi penerbangan, asuransi kredit, asuransi kebakaran, transportasi dan asuransi penyelamatan, untuk asuransi kesehatan. Kami memiliki struktur keuangan yang kokoh sehingga keberhasilan TPI sangat berpengaruh terhadap manajemen perusahaan asuransi yang terpercaya di indonesia. Baca juga Lowongan Bank BRI
Loker Tugu Pratama |
Dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan asuransi tugu pratama indonesia, dibuka kembali penerimaan terbaru kepada putra putri indonesia melalui posisi jabatan sebagai berikut
Doing all stages of internal audit and annual inspection program to ensure the implementation of the entire work program in dept internal audit
Auditor – AUD JKT
- Bachelor degree amjoring in accounting or finance from reputable university
- Preferable has QIA (ualified internal auditor)
- Male / female , maximal 28 years old before 1 december 2015 with excellent health
- Minimum two years experienced in similar position
- Fluent in english (Both written and spoken)
- Excellent with MS Office application and audit software
- Excellent as a team worker, and in patnership with other organizations
- Fast learner, strong analytical thinking, and good interpersonal skill
- To those who qualified please do not hesitate to apply, please send your application, resume and recent photograph before 30 november 2015
Senior Auditor – SAUD JKT
- Bachelor degree amjoring in accounting or finance from reputable university
- Preferable has QIA (ualified internal auditor)
- Male / female , maximal 35 years old before 1 december 2015 with excellent health
- Minimum three years experienced in similar position
- Fluent in english (Both written and spoken)
- Excellent with MS Office application and audit software
- Excellent as a team worker, and in patnership with other organizations
- Fast learner, strong analytical thinking, and good interpersonal skill
- To those who qualified please do not hesitate to apply, please send your application, resume and recent photograph before 30 november 2015
Executive Auditor – EAUD JKT
- Bachelor degree mjoring in accounting or finance from reputable university
- Preferable has QIA (ualified internal auditor)
- Male / female , maximal 40 years old before 1 december 2015 with excellent health
- Minimum Five years experienced in similar position
- Fluent in english (Both written and spoken)
- Excellent with MS Office application and audit software
- Excellent as a team worker, and in patnership with other organizations
- Fast learner, strong analytical thinking, and good interpersonal skill
- To those who qualified please do not hesitate to apply, please send your application, resume and recent photograph before 4 desember 2015
Bila tertarik silakan kirimkan aplikasi surat lamaran, CV dan berkas pendukung lainnya melalui alamat email berikut : HRDRecruitment@tugu.com
All aplications will be handled in strictly confidential and only short listed candidates that match to the reuirements and qualifications will be notified. Please write code position for subject email