Lowongan Kerja Manager Social Media

Tongue n Groove is looking to find the most talented Social Media Manager to plan, develop and direct social media marketing efforts to strengthen Tongue n groove digital presence.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

– Owning the overall social media & influencer management cadence (from planning, budgeting, execution, monitoring, and evaluation) and drive the OKR results across social platforms
– Shaping the social media strategy, content pillars, and ensuring its alignment when translated to editorial calendar and day-to-day contents
– Manage influencer anggaran and ensure the best possible payback metrics in accordance to the campaign objectives
– Managing team members and ensure the quality of the executions while collaborating with other stakeholders (e.g. creative, campaign, commercial, customer support)
– Constantly measuring and experimenting with social variables and keep refining the playbook to drive the most optimized results
– Work with the team to ideate and brainstorm creatively impactful contents and activations that will lead to impactful reach and engagement scores without relying too much on budget
– Establish social listening tools to keep track of sentiments, monitor competitors’ movement, and identify potential animo and quickly capitalize on each momentum
– Choosing the right metrics to report instead of vanity metrics and regularly provide meaningful social media & influencer marketing reports that are highly relevant to business context

Keahlian :

– Graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop
– Adobe Illustrator, to Adobe In Design are also important to master

Kualifikasi :

– Man / Women
– Max age 35 years
– Minimum diploma degree
– Honest and careful
– Can work with a team or individually
– Minimum 1 Year Experience in Manager Social Media