Lowongan Kerja Visual Jockey

Dragon Chamber di sekarang ini mencari visual jockey yang terlatih dibidangnya.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

– Multimedia operator act as a curator who specialize in handling live events and performance with visual media experiences
– Decides and designs the theme and layout of the club visual shows
– Ensure all of visual equipment and systems is working properly
– Operate various fixed/non-fixed systems within the club’s facilities
– Serve as visual technical support and teleprompter operator
– Ensuring picture and video quality meet or exceed club’s expectations.
Other duties as assigned

Keahlian :

– Understand multimedia production

Kualifikasi :

– Minimum 1-2 years working experience as a Visual Jockey
– Male max. 25 vears old
– Good attitude, creative, curious, flexible and have a
good creative vision
– Detail-oriented and organized
– Able to work in team

Waktu Bekerja :

6 hari masuk + 1 off